Women & Christianity
Blog Post (short): Rachel Held Evans “Esther Actually: Princess, Whore, or Something More…”
Fuller Seminary’s Statement on Women in Ministry
The Vox Podcast with Mike Erre: Heated Convo - Why We Changed Our Minds About Women in Church Leadership
Blog Post (medium): Rachel Held Evans “A Creative Interpretation of Colossians”
Gail Wallace dealing with 2 Timothy 2:12 here and here for The Junia Project
BadChristian Podcast: #477 Beth Moore Go Home, Says John MacArthur
The Zeitcast Podcast: Women and the Quest for Spiritual Freedom
You Have Permission Podcast: To Be Egalitarian / Ordain Women (#29)
Videos on womanist theologies from Union Theological, Union Presbyterian, Fuller Theological Seminaries.
Almost Heretical: Jesus Ended Hierarchy (and subsequent parts of this gender series)
Seminary Dropout Podcast: A Biblical, Historical, and Pastoral Defense of Women in Ministry
Book: Carolyn Custis James Half the Church
Podcast: Two Feminists Annotate the Bible (yes, the whole Bible)
The Creation of a Feminist Theology by Phyllis Trible (NYT, 1983)
Feminist Trauma Theologies: Body, Scripture & Church in Critical Perspective by Karen O'Donnell and Katie Cross (book, edited volume)