Spiritual Practices
Classic Spiritual Practices
Here are resources for prayer-based practices that Christians and other religious people have engaged in for centuries. Although they have often been peripheral in Western Protestant traditions, they have a rich history in the Christian tradition. These practices are closely related to mindfulness, which now has ample evidence backing up its effectiveness, both inside and outside of a therapeutic context.
Website: Richard Rohr’s Contemplative Appendix to Daily Meditations
Book: Jeanne Guyon Experiencing the Depths of Jesus Christ
Book: Martin Laird Into the Silent Land: A Guide to the Christian Practice of Contemplation
Book: Anthony Bloom Beginning to Pray
Book: Thomas Merton Contemplative Prayer
Book: Richard Foster Celebration of Discipline
Book: Matthew Kruger Spiritual Exercises for the Postmodern Christian
Book: Mark Williams and Danny Penman Mindfulness: An Eight-Week Plan for Finding Peace in a Frantic World