LGBTQ+ & Christianity
Vox Podcast with Mike Erre: 57 - LGBTQ When Can We Agree to Disagree
Video: Lianne Simon and Dr. Megan DeFranza: Intersex Christians and the Image of God
Sarah Bessey on how she changed her mind on LGBTQ+ issues
Liturgists Podcast: LGBTQ
Queerology Podcast: SueAnn Shiah - Why Isn't Your Identity in Christ? & Queerology generally
Podcast: Bible for Normal People “Austen Hartke - The Bible & the Lives of Transgender Christians”
Blog Post: New Testament scholar Luke Timothy Johnson Homosexuality & the Church
Poetry Unbound Podcast with Pádraig Ó Tuama, episode “Of Course She Looked Back”
Almost Heretical: LGBTQ - The So-called Divine Ideal (Part 1)
Book: Mel White Stranger at the Gate: To Be Gay and Christian in America
You Have Permission Podcast: To Be Gay Affirming (#10) or read the transcript
Queer Womanist Theology, an interview with Pamela Lightsey
Book: James V. Brownson Bible, Gender, Sexuality
Book: Jay Emerson Johnson Peculiar Faith: Queer Theology for Christian Witness
Trans identity and the Bible resources: Austen Lionheart and r/TransChristianity
YouTube Channel: The Reformation Project