So, You’re Deconstructing…
You are not alone.
Most people who find themselves in a crisis of faith start by asking good (but tough) questions. These questions can make people around them uneasy, and are often met with only one “acceptable” answer. Often, what comes next is a difficult experience of insecurity as we doubt our commitments to our deepest held beliefs and values. But this doesn’t have to be the end of your faith journey. Our hope is to provide you with resources that will transform a crisis into an opportunity for renewal, healing, and learning. There’s great richness and diversity in the real-life Christian church, from which we hope you may find new inspiration for a faith reborn!
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Podcast: I Don’t Live Here Anymore
Curious why so many of her friends were leaving church, podcaster Kristen Tideman created this special limited series to investigate. As she looked for answers, more questions emerged, and they became more personal.
Spiritual First Responders Project
The SFR Project offers spiritual process groups led by licensed mental health professionals for those who are deconstructing or have experienced church hurt. The project is not religiously affiliated or sponsored by any church. Their only goal is to support you in your mental and spiritual health.
Check out the Therapy page for resources on
1) how to know if therapy is right for you and
2) practical tips and links for finding the right therapist.
No one can or should go through their deconstruction (and subsequent reconstruction) alone. On the Communities page, we list some online groups, as well as tips on looking for a local church that as you explore new ideas (if that is something you are wanting right now).
Check out the Testimonies page for a sense of the emotional rollercoaster that many deconstructing Christians end up riding throughout the process (including the good feelings on the other side!)
There are also resources for Spiritual Practices if you think that might be helpful. You might find some refreshing ways to connect with God, and/or care for your mental/emotional health during this time.
Our Topics page contains the bulk of our resources: individual podcasts, blogs, books, and videos on a number of relevant issues, sorted from most accessible to most challenging and scholarly. The topics listed there are certainly not exhaustive, but they seem to be the most common areas of inquiry from our experience.